Ensure you allow the webpart to be deployed tenant-wide.
Tag Archives: web part
How To: Edit a Content Editor WebPart’s presentation xslt
1. Edit a page 2. Add a Content Editor Web Part on the page 3. Edit the CEWP 4. Export…
How to troubleshoot: “a web part or web form control on this page cannot be displayed or imported. the type could not be found or it is not registered as safe”
In case you renamed a custom web part, make sure you have renamed all the references to the web part:…
How to: Create a SP2007 Site Collection Template in VS2008 in XML only
So, the other day, I got a curious request. I was to provide a new site collection template, a custom…
Quick tip: Use (or, avoid using) the “base.CreateChildControls()” method
You might have noticed the method “base.CreateChildControls()” being used in some of the webpart examples I’ve been sharing. It turns out…
How to: Create a folder roll-up web part to display the number of items in the folders without the use of code
1. add a content query web part on your page. 2. edit web part 3. define the query 4. select…
How to: add properties to custom web parts
You can easily add custom properties to your custom web parts so that you can pass in values to them…
How to: Make a custom web part appear in the web part gallery (SP2007)
If you have a custom web part that does not appear in your web part gallery, the most probable cause…
Basics: Visual web parts VS Standard web parts
If you’re working with Visual Studio to create a web part you will notice that there is a couple of…
Basics: Interact with SharePoint 2010 Data (post 2 – Server Object Model)
In a previous post, I made an introduction to interacting with SharePoint data through Web Services; easily, albeit a bit…