How To: Edit a Content Editor WebPart’s presentation xslt

1. Edit a page
2. Add a Content Editor Web Part on the page
3. Edit the CEWP
4. Export the web part from the page (click on the arrow on the right of the web part and select export)
5. Save the file on your computer
6. Open the .webpart file with a text editor
7. To find out which xslt file is being used by the WebPart, Ctrl+F for “.xsl”.
There are various .xsl files used by the CEWP. If you’re looking to change the display of the items, you will need to create a new .xsl file and point the reference to that file. The line in the .template file that you will need to change will be this:

<property name=”ItemXslLink” type=”string”>/Style Library/XSL Style Sheets/ItemStyleBPCustom.xsl</property>

You will need to create a new .xsl file and upload it in the XSL Style Sheets library. Then, you will use the new .xsl filename in the aforementioned property declaration line.

MGR: the Intelogist

About MGR: the Intelogist

SharePoint Server developer, turned Sitefinity developer, turned Angular developer, turned SharePoint Online consultant, turned Unily consultant, turned O365 consultant... Never a dull moment!

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