So, everything is just fine when you use the DEPLOY command through Visual Studio to deploy your code to your SharePoint platform but how to do you deploy with the sdsadm? It turns out, it’s not that hard after all. Just follow the steps below to deploy or retract a solution:
1. Add the solution
stsadm -o addsolution -filename {WSPFILENAME}
2. Deploy the solution
stsadm -o deploysolution -name {WSPFILENAME} -url {SITEURL}
3. Install the feature
stsadm -o installfeature -filename {FeatureFolder}\feature.xml
4. Activate the feature
stsadm -o activatefeature -id {FEATUREID} -url {SITEURL} -force
5. Deactive the feature
Stsadm.exe -o deactivatefeature -filename -ur
6.Uninstall the feature
stsadm -o uninstallfeature -filename
7.Retract Solution
stsadm -o retractsolution -name [-url] [-allcontenturls] [-time] [-immediate]
8.Delete Solution
stsadm -o deletesolution -name