How to: Create a link to the edit form of a SharePoint 2010 List item (works with InfoPath forms).

SharePoint has a very specific URL format that it uses in order to display the EditForm.aspx page. This page is passed in the ID of the item that is being edited, and the user is being presented with an edit form where he/she can edit the relevant list item.

If you need to recreate the URL so that users will load the edit form without needing to open up the list item first and then clicking on the edit button (or, without needing to select the Edit from the contextual drop down menu) just use the following format:


You will need to replace anything that’s inside a <> mark-up. That means, you will need to replace the web application, site collection and, if necessary, the web site names in the URL. Also, the ID will need to be changed to the ID of the item that you wish to edit.

This is specially of use when working with InfoPath forms. If working with a Nintex Workflow, you can store the WebApp in a Nintex Constant and build the aforementioned URL dynamically:

{WFConstant:WEB APP URL}/sites/{Common:WebName}/Lists/{Common:ListName}/EditForm.aspx?ID={ItemProperty:ID}&IsDlg=1

MGR: the Intelogist

About MGR: the Intelogist

SharePoint Server developer, turned Sitefinity developer, turned Angular developer, turned SharePoint Online consultant, turned Unily consultant, turned O365 consultant... Never a dull moment!

5 thoughts on “How to: Create a link to the edit form of a SharePoint 2010 List item (works with InfoPath forms).

  1. MGR

    Sorry guys, I totally missed it. Dave’s suggestion should be right on the money. The last key in the QueryString (IsDlg) tells the browser that this will be displayed in a dialog, hence it doesn’t display the scrollbars. Apologies 🙂 Thanks Dave!

  2. Is this compatible with SharePoint 2013? I have used a look-up to provide the ID in a workflow so that this link will be available in an email sent by the workflow. But every time I click on it it takes me to a new form instead of editing the previous one… Help!

    • Got it to work. Have same issue with form not scrolling.Any motion on that issue?

  3. Dave

    I had the same problem. I removed the &IsDlg=1 at the end and the scrollbars returned.

  4. belinda

    hello there, like the post, the only issue is that the form will not scroll down using the scroll-down bar

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