How to: Alt+Tab without Edge tabs

Windows changed its behaviour and now includes tabs from the Edge browser, when you’re trying to Alt+Tab from one application to the next. This may hurt your productivity and, if you’re like me, you may want to return Alt+Tab to how it was before.

What was the actual problem:

We’re used to moving focus from one application to another by Alt+Tab. Random tabs from this one application throws the whole thing off. If all tabs from all apps were included, maybe it would make sense. However, who wants to have to go through all the open tabs from all the apps in order to finally focus on the one app they needed in the first place?

What was the actual fix:

Microsoft have introduced a new setting called “Multi-tasking settings”.

"Windows 10 Start Menu: Multi-Tasking Settings" option
Multi-Tasking Settings in Windows 10 Start Menu

When you click to change these settings, halfway through the list of options, you’ll see the settings for Alt+Tab.

Multi-tasking Settings: Alt+Tab

There are a few options in the drop-down menu (such as Open windows and all tabs in edge), but the one you need, in order to revert Alt+Tab to how it was before this new setting is “Open windows only”. Select it and Alt+Tab will go back to how you were used to it being.


  1. How to remove Edge tabs from the Alt-Tab switcher in Windows 10


This is an old find, but, since the blog had been out of service for close to 1.5 years, I'm catching it up with my notes. 
MGR: the Intelogist

About MGR: the Intelogist

SharePoint Server developer, turned Sitefinity developer, turned Angular developer, turned SharePoint Online consultant, turned Unily consultant, turned O365 consultant... Never a dull moment!

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